Maximize Your Ride
Our bike fit service has resumed and will now be conducted by our very own Logan Divelbiss.
Logan has been cycling seriously since 2019 after years of running competitively. His father, a lifelong cyclist, introduced Logan into cycling and bike racing. After graduation from Oregon State University, he pursued his new found passion for cycling and found a home right here at The Bike Peddler. While new to practicing bike fit sessions, Logan believes all cyclists that come in for a fit will leave with a better positioning on their bike, and will have new knowledge in identifying and addressing potential physical limitations, allowing riders to reach their individual cycling goals. Our aim is to get more people on bikes!
If you are interested in scheduling a fitting from Logan Divelbiss, please fill out the form below and Logan will reach out as soon as possible. Thank you for checking us out and we hope to see you soon!
How It Works
Each fit takes approximately 2-3 hours in our Fit Studio. During your session, Logan will perform a complete dynamic analysis (via the Retül System) of your current position on the bike, discuss problems you may currently be experiencing including any physical limitations, discuss your cycling history and plans for the future, and perform a thorough analysis of your current pedaling style and form on the bike.
Using this data, Logan can 1) help you find the perfect bike and/or 2) pin-point very specific contact points on your existing bike that may need additional adjustments to better suit your body and riding style. Bike fits begin at $250.
Schedule Your Fitting
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please give us a call at 503-399-7741 or fill out the form below.